Use Social Media To Promote Your Coat Collection

Social media is a great tool for spreading the word about your coat collection and a fun way to thank you donors during your drive. Check out the tools below and don’t forgot to like/follow Kevin’s Koats and tag us in your posts @give2kevinskoats or #give2kevinskoats   

1. Find and download the Kevin’s Koats Social Media Graphic below that pertains to you and your coat collection.

  • To download from a smartphone: click on correct image, hold your finger on image until prompted to “save image”.
  • To download on a desktop, click on correct image, right click on the image, choose save as.

2. Share, post & re-post your Kevin’s Koats Social Media Graphic.

3. Use your social media accounts to tell people why you are holding a coat collection and how they can be of help.

4. Like/Follow Kevin’s Koats on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/ — @give2kevinskoats or #give2kevinskoats

5. Change your Facebook/Twitter/Instagram profile pictures to the Kevin’s Koats Social Media Graphic that pertains to you.

6. Change your Facebook Cover Photo to include details about your coat collection

7. Whatever platform you use, take pictures and videos and share them with us!  Tag us @give2kevinskoats or #give2kevinskoats



Business Organization & Individual Volunteer

CYO Service Project

Coat Collection Flyer